On November 10, 2020, the San Sebastián de la Selva Reserve was recognized as an AICOM (Area of Importance for the Conservation of Bats) by the Latin American and Caribbean Network for the Conservation of Bats.
This new designation is also an achievement for the province and the country, as it generates new opportunities to work towards the protection of bats and habitats of importance to them.
Among the reasons that justify this recognition we can mention that our reserve is home to 11 species of bats out of the 67 present in the country, with different feeding habits (frugivorous, insectivorous, carnivorous and piscivorous), and including some with different degrees of threat (Vulnerable and Near Threatened).
In addition, San Sebastián de la Selva is located in the heart of the Urugua-í Foerster biological corridor, so the regeneration and conservation work we carry out here is vital to generate continuity in the environment of the jungle full of native trees, essential for bats.

The presentation of the Reserve for this recognition was in charge of Lucila Amato and Alejandro Rodríguez, and those responsible for the follow-up of the proposal were Sabrina Villalba and Mónica Díaz, responsible for the PCMA (Programa de Conservación de Murcié-lagos de Argentina) , who coordinated the presentation.
With this appointment we took another step forward in San Sebastián de la Selva to help protect our native species.
In addition, another good news is that, in the survey work done with these mammals in the last time, a new species that was not cited for the reserve appeared. It is Carollia perspicilliata, a bat that feeds on fruits, insects and pollen and inhabits the forests of South and Central America. This demonstrates the enormous richness and biodiversity of this environment, which offers us constant surprises and shows us the importance of working for its conservation.
